Climate Models on Fire!

They are at it again: Our future will be filled with death and destruction according to climate models. The latest doomsday scenario is that every summer in the future will be hotter than the one before, brought to you by CNN: “All the Fear All the Time.”

Future summers will ‘smash’ temperature records every year says CNN. Excerpts in italics with my bolds.

If you think it’s hot now, you haven’t seen anything yet. A new study predicts that parts of the world will “smash” temperature records every year in the coming century due to climate change, “pushing ecosystems and communities beyond their ability to cope.”

The scientists who authored the study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change on Monday, used 22 climate models to game out exactly how hot these summer temperatures would be. They determined that by the end of the 21st century, future temperature events “will be so extreme that they will not have been experienced previously.”

The temperature increase is directly tied to rising global greenhouse gas emissions, the authors say.

The world is already seeing record setting temperatures and while warming hasn’t been uniform, earlier studies have shown that the planet has been in a warming trend, generally.

Heat waves will be deadly. Heat stroke, breathing issues, heart attacks, asthma attacks, kidney problems are all a big concern for people when the temperatures increase, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Higher temperatures can also make air pollution worse, make water scarce and cause crops to fail, leading to malnutrition and starvation.

In 2014, the World Health Organization predicted 250,000 more people will die annually between 2030 and 2050 due to climate change. More recent studies predict that this is a “conservative estimate.”

If, however, countries meet goals of limiting global temperature rise less than 2 degrees Celsius, as set out in the Paris agreement, that scenario would be much less likely.

Footnote: A second separate heat wave alarm study was published and trumpeted in the Seattle Times. (H/T kakatoa, comment below) Cliff Mass does his usual thorough review pointing out problems both in the estimating of future temperatures and in calculating projected deaths from heat waves.

The article by Mass is The Seattle Times Story on Massive Heat Wave Deaths in Seattle: Does it Make Sense?


  1. uwe.roland.gross · June 17, 2019

    Reblogged this on Climate- Science.


  2. kakatoa · June 17, 2019

    It appears Seattle residents might want to consider installing air conditioning in the future-

    “For those of us concerned about the serious issues of climate change, such papers and articles are a real set back. Seattle will warm substantially by the end of the century if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced. There will be impacts (average daily highs during the summer in the lower 80s rather than mid-70s in Seattle, reduced snowpack, bigger rain events), and the public and decision makers need accurate information about the impacts, not hype and exaggeration. Articles and headlines like shown above, undermine the credibility of climate science and push the public to disengage from what is obviously bogus information.”


    • Bill Kime · June 23, 2019

      Undermine climatologists credibility? They have no credibility every scenario they’ve proposed has been wrong.


  3. oiltranslator · June 18, 2019

    Delightful. It must be nice in Canada with no abortion laws. In These States scientists and engineers who advocate science & energy are under pressure to urge men with guns to threaten doctors. American ladies ofttimes have to go to Canada for birth control without redneck Dixiecrat, superstitious Creationist and Race Suicide whack job harassment.


  4. Hifast · June 20, 2019

    Reblogged this on Climate Collections.


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