Climate Primer for Misguided Kids Suing Montana (with Quiz added)

Before reading the discussion on climate science, here is a quiz followed by the correct answers provided by Andrew L. Urban in his Spectator Australia article Climate Science for Dummies – the TV show. Excerpts in italics with my bolds and added images.

Given the ever-escalating hysteria about this catastrophic, urgent, the-end-is-nigh ‘climate emergency’ that has been turbo-charged by world leaders who have the staff and resources to ‘do a bit of research’, here are ten questions I’d like to put to a panel on my Climate Science for Dummies TV show.

The panel would comprise our Prime Minister Anthony Albenese (along with any responsible ministers), Britain’s Prime Minister (?) Boris Johnson, US President Joe Biden and his climate tsar John Kerry, and all those in the world’s mainstream media who have swallowed the Katastrophe Koolade.  (Answers at the end.)

Ten Questions

Question 1: Who said all of the following?

    • For the next twenty to thirty years, man-made warming effects on climate extremes will be swamped by natural climate variability.
    • The mild man-made warming may even be beneficial by reducing the number of extreme events.
    • Neither IPCC models nor emissions forecasting are good enough to forecast extreme weather events up to the end of the century.

Question 2: Who said that ‘warming would melt the Himalayan glaciers by 2035 and deprive billions on the sub-continent of fresh water’?

Question 3: How much of the Earth’s atmosphere is made up of carbon dioxide?

Question 4: How much of that amount is man-made (fossil fuel emissions)?

Question 5: Who said ‘enjoy snow now – by 2020 it will be gone’?

Question 6: Who said it is not true that 97 per cent of scientists unreservedly accept that AGW theory is fixed, or that CO2 is a ‘pollutant’ and its production should be penalised?

Question 7: Who said that the push to curtail carbon dioxide threatens to exacerbate poverty without improving the environment?

Question 8: Who said that ‘there is no climate emergency’ and that ‘climate science has degenerated into a discussion based on beliefs, not on sound self-critical science’?

Question 9: Our annual emissions are 400-500 million tonnes. How many tonnes of carbon dioxide do our grasslands and forests ‘breath in’?

Question 10: Who made the following declaration? ‘Frankly, it looks like we’re on a crash course towards massive species extinctions in the next 20 years. We could lose one-fifth or 20 per cent of our species within the next two decades.’


Q1: The IPCC’s November 2011 special draft report on extreme weather events.

Q2: The IPCC Fourth Report.

Q3: 0.04 per cent.

Q4: 3 per cent.

Q5: Catherine Pickering of Griffith University, reported in The Australian on July 3, 2012.

Q6: A group of 33 current and former Fellows of the Geological Society in an open letter to their president in 2018. (The Geological Society is the United Kingdom’s national academy of sciences, a Fellowship of some 1,600 of the world’s most eminent scientists.)

Q7: The 300 scientists who signed a petition to then President Trump, on February 23, 2017. In the accompanying letter, MIT professor emeritus Richard Lindzen called on the United States and other nations to ‘change course on an outdated international agreement that targets minor greenhouse gases’ starting with carbon dioxide.

Q8: The Climate Declaration issued in June 2022 by Climate Intelligence, signed by over 1,100 scientists from around the world.

Q9: Some 940 million tonnes.

Q10: The VP for Field Programs at Defenders of Wildlife, Nina Fascione, in 2003.

Background Climate Science from previous post.

Jack Hellner explains the basics in his American Thinker article This is some of the garbage we can expect with indoctrinated kids and greedy lawyers.  Excerpts in italics with my bolds and added images.

These children say that their lives have been destroyed because of coal and oil so they are suing Montana.

A group of Montana youth who say their lives are already being affected by climate change and that state government is failing to protect them are the first of dozens of such efforts to get their lawsuit to trial Monday. They will try to persuade a judge that the state’s allegiance to fossil fuel development endangers their health and livelihoods and those of future generations.

Lawsuits and policies should be based on the truth and scientific facts, not on easily manipulated computer models and made up predictions which have consistently been wrong, like this lawsuit and the radical green policies which are being forced on the American people. 

Maybe the state should take the kids to underdeveloped countries that haven’t developed and used their natural resources to see how lucky they are. Then the state should send them a bill for greatly improving their quality and length of life. 

The line of defense against this nuisance lawsuit is long because it is based on factual scientific data.  They can have it presented in the simplest form since they have been taught not to ask questions or do research. 

They should be told that the Earth was just as warm 1,000 years ago as it is today. 

Then they should have the scientific fact pointed out to them that a Little Ice Age occurred from around 1300 to 1860 where the Earth cooled a little. 

Dr. Syun Akasofu 2009 diagram from his paper Two Natural Components of Recent Warming.

Then they should be shown that the Earth has only warmed a little in the last 160 years since the Little Ice Age ended, and they should be able to comprehend that the Earth always warms a little after an ice age ends. 

They should be told that although there has been one or two degrees of warming the last 160 years, we also had a 35-year period of cooling from 1940-1975 where the public was warned that a catastrophic ice age was coming. 

It should be possible for the youth to understand, even as journalists, politicians, and bureaucrats can’t seem to, that if temperatures sometimes rise and sometimes fall while crude oil use and coal use are constantly rising rapidly, that there is no correlation between our use of natural resources and temperatures, nor climate change. 

Figure 5.1. Comparative dynamics of the World Fuel Consumption (WFC) and Global Surface Air Temperature Anomaly (ΔT), 1861-2000. The thin dashed line represents annual ΔT, the bold line—its 13-year smoothing, and the line constructed from rectangles—WFC (in millions of tons of nominal fuel) (Klyashtorin and Lyubushin, 2003). Source: Frolov et al. 2009

They should be able to understand the simple scientific concept that if there is no correlation, there can be no causation. 

They should also be taught that CO2 is a clear, innocuous, non-pollutant gas that makes plants thrive and allows the World to be fed. There is also no correlation between the rise to a small 420-parts-per-million in the atmosphere and temperatures or sea levels. 

Oceans, which average over 12,000 feet deep, have risen a miniscule 9 inches in 140 years, which is essentially immeasurable, let alone be attributed to CO2, oil, humans or anything else. There are thousands of natural variables.

It would help if children were shown the truth as to how life expectancy has almost doubled since we started using coal and oil and people in countries that don’t use oil and coal live shorter lives. 

Maybe it would help to inform them of all the products that are derived from crude oil and ask them if their lives would be better off without them. 

A Partial list of the over 6,000 products made from one barrel of oil (after creating 19 gallons of gasoline) 

Maybe the children should be shown how all of the previous dire predictions have been wrong including one from over 100 years ago that predicted the ice would soon be gone, that oceans were dying, and coastal cities would soon disappear. 

“The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer, and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard‐of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.” — from an Associated Press report published in The Washington Post on November 2, 1922

It is a true shame that most of the media along with educators spend their time scaring children that we are destroying the Earth and that we don’t have much time left instead of doing their job to educate and inform them and to teach them to ask questions and do research. It is no wonder so many young people are suicidal and don’t want children. 

We get extremely destructive government policies when people
are indoctrinated instead of told the truth.

We should count our blessings that the Earth has such an abundance of natural resources and that humans were given a brain that allowed them to develop them.

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  1. HiFast · June 18

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